Monday 25 May 2020

DFI Week Four - Reflections

Today's session was focussed on Dealing with Data and it offered different ways to organise (filter/sort/display) data (Google Spreadsheets), but also how to create and share learning content using Google Forms and Mymaps. It was a very interesting session for me as the information presented today filled in some gaps in my knowledge (Spreadsheets), but also added new learning (Mymaps and Forms). Along with practice, it will help me improve the way I present ideas to my students.

This is one of the tasks that we had - displaying and interpreting data from one of our students' blog posts and visitors:

I'm looking forward for next sessions about creating with Google sites.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Adina,

    It is great to see you reflecting on your learning. I really like how you have used sheets and slides to create and engaging way of presenting data! Keep up the great blogging. I am looking forward to continue working with you as we learn together.


"Buckets" to 10

Today we had another practice to Basic facts to 10.