Monday 22 June 2020

DFI Week Eight - Reflections

Today's session focussed on computational thinking. It was a relatively new subject for me so I was really curious to learn. It was an interesting session where I got the chance to try different coding resources (,
Next term we are going to learn about Position and Orientation for Maths, so it will be a great opportunity to share with my students what I have learned today.


  1. Hi Adina,

    It is nice to know that computational thinking was a new subject for you also. Position and orientation will be fantastic to share with your students and made me think about the Robots unit from NZ maths I looked at over lockdown with my students and think this could link well with the coding we learnt today.

    Kind regards,

    1. Thank you, Rachel! It is an excellent idea.

  2. Kia ora Adina,

    It is great to see the curiosity you have for learning. That is something that we strive to foster in our akonga and it great to see you modelling that! Your idea of integrating coding into your position and orientation work for maths next term sounds exciting. I am looking forward to seeing how it goes.



"Buckets" to 10

Today we had another practice to Basic facts to 10.